A thousand years ago, books and literate people were rare, so they concentrated them into centers of learning in large monasteries and major cities. These became universities. They were concentrated areas where books were archived and learned people gathered.
We still have universities today, where people go to learn. However, the internet has rendered universities as we know them obsolete. Books and literate people are abundant now, and no longer concentrated to a few university campuses. Knowledge and people are now spread out across the globe, yet interconnected through the internet.
Since access to information is now widespread and easy, it’s time to rethink the concept of a university.
The university of the future must have value beyond what people can find online in the form of websites, podcasts, webinars, and online courses. They need to focus on hands-on practice. They need to focus on in-person social skills. They need to foster the type of camaraderie that can’t be built through online acquaintances.
In order to continue thriving in the 21st century, universities must move away from book learning and evolve into social clubs of students that get together and grind out hours of hands-on practice to hone their crafts under the watchful eyes of experienced professors.
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