Wouldn’t it be convenient if you knew exactly what year you will die? It would certainly help you plan for the future (though it might also cause you to procrastinate on life goals in the early years and become anxious in the years leading up to your death).
The entire $4.7 billion life insurance industry was built around calculating life expectancies and trying to ensure that the insurance companies remain profitable. I thought it might be fun to collect research and write a longevity calculator app, but apparently many life insurance and retirement planning companies have already beat me to it.
I did a quick search on Google and took the first three life expectancy calculator tests I found. The consensus is that I’ll probably live to around 86.
Of course, one positive side effect from taking life expectancy tests is that you get to see the main factors that affect your longevity. I might have a life expectancy of 86 years today based on my current situation and habits, but now I also know what I should change to increase that number. Knowledge is power folks!
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