Do you have a backlog of books, ebooks, articles, podcasts, videos, and other media content that you want to consume, but don’t have the time? Be honest… will you ever have the time?
It’s time to clean things up and get your media backlog under control. Here’s how you can do it.
Round up all of your media into one place. If it’s digital media, you can use a spreadsheet to make not of each piece of content.
Now that everything’s in one place, you can make a plan for how you’re going to go through all of it over the next year. For example, if you have 3650 pieces of content saved, you can decide to process 10 of them per day.
When you process a content item, you’re taking a few minutes (or a few seconds, depending on how much time you have) to skim the content and decide whether to consume it today, schedule a future time to look at it, or discard it.
Once you consume or decide to discard a piece of content, delete it forever. It’s gone now. Move on. In a year you will be free.
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